Freitag, 25. Dezember 2015

Writings on the wall - Pt. 1

I was bored. ;)

Walls are barriers to keep the empty from the full. There is always one side to a wall that is poor and void of anything worth notice, and another one holding precious and dear things in. This is why houses are so sought-after: So many two-sided barriers, so many precious things inside, so much to collect, so much to lose.

I stared at the brick wall. The seams were moving ever so slightly, following the pull of passing car lights like flowers followed the sun. In the darkness, it was all too visible, even better than in the daylight. It also made it way more creepy for me. Other people didn’t see it for what it really was, they called it ‘physics of light’, but I did. I was sweating profusely as I watched some stones bend forward, some bend backward, like a corn field in the wind, and I knew. I knew that something dark had passed this wall, and maybe even the one on the other side of the street, and I was very sure that it was a bad sign for the remainder of my evening.
My breath became shorter and gaspy, but I tried to keep it quiet. If I only made low panic sounds, the rustling of late-winter leaves and the constant hum of the cars would drown my whimpering out, and nobody would find out. And maybe if I didn’t move, that unholy movement in the bricks would go away? But if I didn’t move I would starve to death, or freeze to death, or die of thirst… oh, there were so many different possibilities for perishing, just because of this one dark spot.
A hand hit the back of my head none too softly.
“Crave!” a female voice hissed, but the pain helped more than her noisy voice. I could finally look away from that bad, bad wall. I used my newfound freedom to turn around and stare at the woman’s breasts, drawing in deep, controlled breaths, just as I had learned at the nuthouse— pardon my language, clinic. It helped with keeping my panic attacks in check, but it didn’t make the fear go away. It never did, so I didn’t bother trying.
“Please call me Bart,” I mumbled, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. I had seen her face before, and it was like the wall. Not good. Really not good. It looked like rotten meat, half-eaten by rats and worms and burnt with a flame-thrower. Nobody but me could see it, to everyone else she probably looked like any other burnt-out street walker, but I saw. All that was left of her human face were her thin, angry lips and her chin. I didn’t want to risk another glimpse at the horror before me, so I glanced at her perky stuff.
Sometimes people, especially women, hit me when I stared at their chests, but this one didn’t. The one guy who called himself my friend— I really didn’t know his name or how he came to the conclusion of us being friends— probably had told her that I was a wacko, and it did make things easier. It didn’t lighten her mood, though, and it didn’t make her any more patient.
“I’m talking to you, you freak! Can you do it?” she hissed, crowding me against those angry, moving bricks. Her dirty stilettos made nerve-grating, shrieking sounds as she ground her heel onto the gutter lid. She probably could punch a clean little hole into a man’s head with those things.
I tried to concentrate, but knowing that wall was about to touch my back didn’t make it any easier, so I slipped to the side and out of her corralling arms. “The wall is tainted. You shouldn’t touch it,” I offered in a breathless whisper, because along with the rest of the human race she probably didn’t see the darkness, and being helpful was a good trait for someone who didn’t have much else going for them.
Another car drove by and the passing lights made the bricks shuffle and shift. I took a step back and gasped, then turned away my eyes. Sometimes if I stopped looking, those dark places stopped moving, and there really wasn’t much I could do other than that.
I saw her fingernails as she grabbed my collar. They were chewed down and badly painted, a shade of pink so bright it shone out of the grimy blackness of my old felt coat. “Can you do it, or not?” she practically screamed at my face, shaking me just a bit to make her point. How she was keeping her balance and what little dignity her belt-like skirt offered on those shoes, I’d never understand. The street whores around this part of the ghetto were cat-like and incredibly nimble, and they had to be. With walls like this around, they probably had to run for their lives on a daily basis.
“Kill someone? Yes,” I finally answered, and turned my head away so I wouldn’t be tempted to look at her mangled demon-face. It was all she had wanted to hear and she promptly let me go. Sometimes I wondered why none of the frighteningly beautiful monsters ever came to offer me a job, or maybe a normal person. It was always those demon-faced ones who wanted me to do things for them.
She slapped a badly maintained gun into my hand and turned with a huff. As the clickedy-clack of her pumps disappeared into the distance, she muttered a last “damn fucking lunatic”. I blinked and pulled my coat tighter.
She didn’t even know half of my lunacy.
I am a prophet of god.

Samstag, 23. Mai 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 9

Yay! It's my birthday!
What better day to post a new slice of this story? ;)
I don't know what it is about high fantasy, but this one has my writer's juices a-rollin'. It'll need a lot of re-work, but who cares? Let the good times flow!

Samstag, 16. Mai 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 8

The world was numb and strangely colorless. Niro didn’t know where he was or how he had gotten there, and he had no inkling of an idea why he was still alive. Maybe he wasn’t? Maybe this was death, a slightly cold, humid, dark place that smelled of burnt out torches, herbs and blood. The bloody shirt was gone, and he was lying on his stomach, his hands having been tied to the bed posts over his head. The need to fight, the need to resist was gone, replaced by a disconnected high and the inability to move. Not that he wanted to move, that was. The strange, bitter taste on his lips gave him enough of a clue to know he had been drugged by someone who knew his trade. There was a nutty note in the bitterness, distinctive for the resin of a very dangerous tree that ate anything warm-blooded by ensnaring his victims with poisonous, thorned tentacles. 

Dienstag, 12. Mai 2015

Fun with translation!

Somehow, I'm a much more prolific writer when it's for my roleplaying characters. For example, there was this character background I once wrote within an evening, prolly 11,000 words long, just for the fun of it. It's so much easier to write stuff like that, I wonder why that is.
I took that character background and a fantasy realm I'm currently mastering (as in "gamemaster") and tried to mash them for something bizarre and dark because damn, I really miss my evil monster phase :D

Just translating that stuff is hard, German has such a different pacing and phrasing, I really have to work to get it right, the way I want it to sound. For that reason, and that reason alone, this is taking a buttload of time to do. I did finish the first part of that 11K prologue, though, so here goes. Have fun!

Samstag, 9. Mai 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 7

Earl Firun Wilmoor of Tetharion was nervously fumbling with a small canapé, trying to make a pleasant smile stick to his tense face. He was used to guests of Ailill nobility, but not to those as high up the social ladder as lady Ilydra Gladfall of Yahir, Duchess of Yahir, home land to every Ailill ever spawned. As member of House Malach, the ‘witching well’ of Ailill society, only the Duke of House Ardis and the Prince of House Errea trumped her influence and power, but still… Here she lounged, completely at ease with the company of two lowly members of House Nancarrow’s nobility as it seemed, and obviously enjoying herself.

Samstag, 2. Mai 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 6

“This isn’t quite what I envisioned for a public whipping,” Ilydra Gladfall of Yahir purred, shifting her weight from the left foot to the right. “Whipping someone to death is unpleasant, don’t you think? The screams last forever, even though he’d probably die over night if they stopped now.”
The tall nobleman next to her tensed even more at her words. He had gotten that distracted look ever since the human whipping boy had started to scream and bleed, and Ilydra could only guess what went on in his head. She did know his tastes ran into erotic whippings, and maybe seeing what usually went on in his bedroom be used as a means of killing was just too tasteless for him. Or maybe he was fighting a whole different kind of feeling? Who knew what those paid murderers found pleasing.

Samstag, 25. April 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 5

Over time, the Ailill had opened the city of Tetharion for a wide range of species other than their own, and even humans were once more allowed to live and work there. The Fae still held an iron grip on those alien beings, keeping them away from military, politics and any other highly respected posts, but there was enough menial work to go around and enough mortal and immortal immigrants to fill the center square with the thunder of chattering voices. 

Samstag, 18. April 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 4

The public whipping didn’t start right away, as such occasions were always used to organize a fair for the townsfolk and have as much people as possible watch the punishment of a lesser being. The delinquent human was put into one of the many cells in the dungeon, chained to a wall and left there, unable to lower his arms or raise his head. It wasn’t so much a cruel whim the guards followed, but a protocol made necessary by the human’s own actions in the past. Niro had broken free from his shackles on many occasions, and no amount of preliminary searching had ever stopped him from escaping. The only way to keep him where he was supposed to be was a measure of discomfort other species would have called torture. 

Samstag, 11. April 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 3

- Fifteen years later -

“Ten Ailill soldiers dead, thirty horses lost, and you damaged the Duke’s statue!”
Niro was kneeling in a most awkward posture. His shins were crossed, his thighs bent just enough to have his leather clad behind hover above the heels of his soft, black leather boots, his arms hung down easily. Tension sang through the muscles of his legs, screaming with pain the unnatural position put onto them. He could have simply sat down onto his heels, but it would only have increased the punishment he was already getting. Kneeling like that wasn’t meant to be comfortable, it was meant to hurt, and it worked.

Samstag, 4. April 2015

Bending the Unbreakable, Pt. 2

Niro knelt on the granite floor, shackled to an over-sized ring bolted into it. He didn’t know how much time had passed since the moment he had passed out on the street, and the few moments he had been conscious on the way to the reeve’s house were a confused blur of pain, heat, thirst and roiling street views. Only when his captor— that Fae wench— had dropped him onto the floor and chained his shackles to that ring, his mind had started working again.

Montag, 30. März 2015

Bending the Unbreakable Pt. 1

Welcome, dearies, welcome to my new side-story!
This is the first part of "Bending the Unbreakable", a Fantasy themed slash-fiction story. Please be aware of strong, dark bdsm content. 
Click to read further!

Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Update for Unwilling!

Hello folks!

I spent a few hours on my blog today, and after having to fight against horrible, horrible HTML code, I decided to clean up "Unwilling" and do a one-chapter-per-site version of it. I also realized I forgot to put chapters 6 to 8 on my own blog... dunno how that happened, I'm confused I guess.
Sorry anyway, I did quite some work since my last post :)
I also know that this blog isn't the best tool for reading because the line spacing sucks, but it was the best I could do. You'll find a much more beautiful (spaced) version of Unwilling here on Gay Authors!

Another (probably) nice piece of news is my re-work of Shapeshifter. I'm going over the story chapter by chapter, which means I'm taking down the old version and posting the new one whenever I'm finished with another chapter. The dub-con parts of it will be 'softer' (not soft!), and I'm trying to tone down the explicit language outside of direct speech. It's a work in progress, but maybe you'll like it better when I'm finished ;)

Aaaand don't expect anything from me for the next two weeks, holidays are finally here!
