Samstag, 8. November 2014

Unwilling Chapter 5 released


As promised I released chapter 5 of "Unwilling" today, yay!
You can find it on my blog page here, on GA (Gay Authors) here, and it will be online on Literotica soon too. Have a good read, I had a blast writing it :)

If you read on GA or Literotica, please be kind and vote or leave a review, that stuff keeps me going!
I already mentioned NaNoWriMo, and I'm going strong still, so please be patient while waiting for other new chapters. I've got chapter 6 already finished and waiting, it will be released on the 18th of November, but if I haven't met my NaNo quota until then (50.000 words), I'll have to delay chapter 7. I'm learning how to finish stuff I started, sorry :D

Stay tuned! I'll be back...

Sonntag, 2. November 2014

NaNoWriMo 2014


I decided to enter into this year's NaNoWriMo, so yay me! I'll have to put Unwilling on hold for three or four weeks to get some writing done, but I already have finished two chapters that will be published on the 8th and 18th of November, so no big waiting games for you folks :)

My NaNoWriMo story will not see the light of day as a free read since I've started working on an idea I already planned as a real, hand-to-heart, published book. It'll probably be crap after rushing it through in one month, but I'm positive I'll get it finished like this much sooner than with waiting for better days to come.

Now, back to my writing project! Here's the gist:

Christopher Duke is a Cambion, one of demon blood but not a full-fledged demon. Working as a private investigator for a firm specializing in field work instead of paper and plastic, he can put his talents to the best use - finding things lost or stolen for its true owner.

One cold January morning a small, northern maritime container terminal near a shipping port is frozen solid over night. Ice as thick as 4 inches is coating the coastline and everything within 10 feet of the water - even a security guard supposed to patrol the docks. This ‘freak accident’ leads to an insurance claim with an insurance company employing Holland Investigations.
Christopher is assigned the job of verifying the claim, and gets a rookie, Quentin, as his new partner. His new partner can't find out about Chris's lineage though. Quentin Wheeler, archetypical sunny boy and man without a bad cell in his body, is a member of C.A.D.E., the biggest organization against demons and their scions ever seen.  Though Chris can't really know how Quentin would react, his crush on his new partner forbids him from ruining their relationship by telling the truth about his ancestry.

And then there is Galen, who may or may not be one of the bad guys, but still too intriguing and too captivating to stay away from. One thing is sure though, he IS a demon, and staying in contact with him would definitely cost Chris Quentin's friendship.

Here's some music to get you going:

If anyone would like to share a widget and fight me for honor, please do tell ;)

Freitag, 10. Oktober 2014

metajinx found a new home!

Hello dearies!
After two weeks of testing and trials I decided to settle permanently on - mostly because that community somehow gets me writing in a speed and with a persistence that I didn't know before. In the last two weeks I re-read all of "Unwilling", edited it a bit, wrote a whole new chapter that will be published on the 28th of October, and already started a new one because I can.
I will keep publishing Unwilling and Shapeshifter on Lit until the stories are done, but after that I'll probably stick with GA full-time. Lit has more stories, especially those kinds of stories I really, really like, but I just can't keep my motivation going there. :/
If you are a writer yourself, please have a look at Gay Authors. The site could use a few more fans ;)

Montag, 19. Mai 2014

Clichés in gay male erotica

I've been reading gay male erotica for about 5 years now. And just as much as I've gotten more adult, my standards for quality of those stories have grown and matured. There are many stories I may have liked before but don't like any more, and here's the reasons for that!

~ The protagonists are dull or "standard mold"

Think back to the stories you've read in the last few weeks. Did they have a petite blonde with the bluest of all blue eyes? Did he have little to no body hair? Not very tall? Sweet and innocent? Shy maybe? ... Yeah. The first five or six times I liked that. This kind of protagonist is an easy choice and gives readers the security of knowing what to expect. If you're in the right set of mind and WANT "that kind of story", you'll always be on the safe side if this description comes up.
Is the protagonist a buff or very buff guy? Athletic and tall? With an intimidating presence? High-end job with very good salary, but still missing something in his life? Maybe even cold hearted and frosty, until he meets "that guy"? There will probably be an ex-wife with the bitchiest of all bitchy moods in that story somewhere, and mention of that kind of protagonist is the safest sign that there will be drama and misunderstandings and a teary climax before the lovers finally understand each other and find true love.
There are many, many good stories with this set of protagonists, please don't get me wrong on this. Sometimes it just feels like the same story over and over and over. If you plan on taking on these protagonists, please make sure to have a stunning, fantastic, unbelievable idea on how to combine them and bring them together. Don't use the following clichés:

  • Don't make the blond guy an IT geek. Really, please don't.
  • Don't make the rich guy Bruce-Wayne-style super rich. It gives the image you only need money to get anything of real importance, and that's depressing.
  • Don't let a serial killer come after cute blond guy. Give it a twist, let cute blond guy's friends be targets so he can do something besides sitting there and crying. Or maybe even let the killer come after buff rich guy? THAT'd be something new ;)
  • Don't always make rich buff guy the ass that learns to love. Rich guys don't have to be asses or cold hearted to be single, although it's probably the easiest choice. But still, try to dazzle people with something new and creative!
  • Don't put in a sexy wild cat of Spanish descent with no moral code whatsoever. If cute blond guy is shy and a virgin and not very outgoing, chances of him having an outgoing, crazy, sexy stripper/dancer-best-friend are around null. You need to be outgoing and fun to find friends who are outgoing and fun. People aren't normally "just nice enough" to spend their time with someone who has no common interests whatsoever. PS: Stripper/dancer doesn't equal hussy.
  • Also, cute blond guy will have musky body odor just as much as rich buff guy. Please don't make him smell like a lady. Don't unman your men!

~ Don't pick a theme (or character) you can't pull through

 This is something that quite upsets me, because I'm lazy. When I'm in the mood for a kinky BDSM story, I look for kinky BDSM stories. I read the first few pages or the first chapter, and I gobble up every mention of possible kink to be had later on. I live for that kind of stuff!
Now, when I read on and the promised kink isn't delivered, if the protagonists have 99% cuddle sex and 1% of alibi kink sex, I'm unhappy. It doesn't even matter how good the story was otherwise, I just want to get what I expect, I'm intolerant that way.
I don't mean to say a BDSM story mustn't have any kind of cuddle sex, because the other extreme is just as depressing. Nobody has "only one type of sex", and most readers are still suckers for the romance part.
Point is, if you can't imagine the majority of sex between your protagonists as "lovingly kinky", if you have to make them cuddle and softly stroke each other to be able to make it romantic, you maybe shouldn't promise kink in the first place. It will be much more edgy to stumble upon kink in a story that didn't start that way than leave it out in a story that promised kink in the beginning.
Also, if your protagonist is shy and introverted, please, please, PLEASE don't stray from your own character concept right after describing him so. If you want to break him out of his shyness, do so, but build up to it. Describe a struggle, describe failures, let your readers feel what it means to overcome it, give it some kind of worth!
It's the same with fragile, unathletic geeks that run for miles or climb walls or find strength within themselves they didn't have before-- love your protagonists enough to stick to their weaknesses come good or bad situations. If you want to change something fundamental about their existence because your story won't progress without that change, build up to it. Give it more than a sentence. For someone who doesn't do sports starting to go to the gym is actually a really big deal, I checked myself. :)

~ Forgetting surroundings, thoughts or senses

If you want your readers to be entranced by your story, you need to suck them in. Sucking someone into an idea requires anchors they recognize, like commonly known descriptions of surroundings, providing them with thought processes and opinions of your characters, and giving them some sense impressions to imagine. Smells, sounds, sights, these are things adult readers can easily remember from their every-day-life.
If a story only focusses on the interactions between the protagonists with no description of anything else whatsoever, it's hard to concentrate on it. If I can't build a mental image of what's there, I can't dive into it. Instead I'll have to spend all my energy on filling the blanks while reading and then my mind starts to wander away.
Another thing that makes it hard to focus are brand names. Every time a brand is mentioned I have to stop reading and google it, because mentioning it gives the impression that it's important in some way. If you ever used google to look for pictures you know what happens next, every single time... Two hours later I finally manage to extract myself from looking for different pictures and get back to story, sometimes having forgotten big parts of what I read before.
If you don't want that to happen to your readers, don't be lazy. Mention the brand and then describe the item just detailed enough to give your readers enough of a mental picture to keep them from falling prey to google picture search.

Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2014

I'm back!

Why, hello! Did you miss me? :D

I finally finished all my exams-- with great success I might add. After celebrating my victory over knowledge and professors, I got right back in and am now working quite energetically on "Unwilling". Right now I'm editing the first third of the next part and will continue writing through the rest of February, but as of yet I'm unable to promise anything.
Since I got lots of e-mails asking if I plan to continue writing -- yes, I definitely do! There are hurdles in everyone's life, and mine just got leapt over like a boss. I also plan to finish both "Unwilling" and "Shapeshifter" before starting anything new, even though my fingers itch like crazy with new ideas.
Please stay as patient with me as you were up till now, I'll get right on it!